We have a business that fades
from oil & gas, to green, to industry, to design

Our core business for twenty years
which includes the services of:
Project management e technical consulting
EPC building on/offshore
Supply of plant parts
Supervision and assistance on site

A solution for every need,
thanks to the services of:
Project management e technical consulting
Special EPC containers for various uses
EPC control panels and systems
Service and maintenance

Our most recent soul,a sector with broad prospects, for which we create:
Project management e technical consulting
Industrial photovoltaic systems
Installation of floating and ground systems
Service and maintenance

Our most creative streak;
that we express with the services of:
Project management e technical consulting
EPC of hospitality and special vehicles
Supply and transformation of containers
Supervision and assistance
Our power is multidisciplinary
Da vent’anni, responsabilità e flessibilità sono i valori che guidano il nostro lavoro.
Siamo uno studio di technical consulting specializzato e talvolta ci avvaliamo della consulenza del mondo accademico ed imprenditoriale, il che ci consente di essere sempre aggiornati e pronti alle necessità.
Il risultato è una multidisciplinarità che è sinonimo di flessibilità e ci consente di ottenere un punto di vista più ampio, attento a tutte le necessità, senza mai perdere di vista l’insieme.

We have always supported innovation and the creation of a better future,
due to this our slogan is Rethinking Future

Our projects

Clients & partners
Last news

Contact us
+39 0332 1693844
Operational headquarters
via Manzoni, 55 21020 Casciago
Registered office
Via Dandolo 5, 21100 Varese
Work with us
Alternatively, send us your spontaneous application